Wessex – Diary of Events

Sunday, the 22ndJanuary, 2023.  Epithany/Theology,  (Western Rite Orthodoxy, ROCOR).

St. Mary the Virgin, Isleworth, Middlesex.

Service starts 11.00hrs

for more information.  tel 07894 917212 Fr Thomas.  internet.  fr.thomascook@gmail.com


Sunday, th February,  Septuagisima/St. Blaise (Blessing of candles and of throats. Blessing of bread, wine, water and fruit for the relief of throat ailments). (Western Rite Orthodoxy, ROCOR).

St. Mary the Virgin, Isleworth, Middlesex.

Service starts 11.00hrs.

for more information.  Tel 07894 917212 Fr Thomas.  internet.  fr.thomascook@gmail.com


Sunday, nd March,  Lent 3. (Western Rite Orthodoxy, ROCOR).

St. Mary the Virgin, Isleworth, Middlesex.

Service starts 11.00hrs.

for more information.  Tel 07894 917212.  internet.  fr.thomascook@gmail.com


th -th April. Eostre celebration at Butzer Farm.

Butser Ancient Farm, Charlton lane, Charlton, Waterlooville, Hampshire. PO8-0BG.

Tel 023 9259 8838

open – 10.00 – 17.00hrs

admission   adult £9-  /   concession £8-  /  Child £5-  /  under 3 free  /  family  2 & 2 £24 / annual family 2 & 2 £55- / annual family 2 up to 4 £70-

This Easter holiday extravaganza, with different things happening over the time so need to contact them.


Sunday,  April, Pasha. (Western Rite Orthodox, ROCOR)

St. Mary the Virgin, Isleworth, Middlesex.

Service starts 11.00hrs.

for more information.  Tel 07894 917212 Fr Thomas.   internet.   fr.thomascook@gmail.com

Saturday, rd May, `Beltain Festival / Festival the beginning of Summer

Butser Ancient Farm, Chalton lane, Charlton, Waterlooville, Hampshire. PO8-0BG.
Tel 023 9259 8838

Butser Ancient farm will be celebrating their annual Beltain Festival. Visit the Anglo-Saxon hall on site. As in previous years, the festival is a fantastic opportunity to explore the Iron Age Farm and Roman Villa in the early evening whilst enjoying a variety of food stalls, a licensed bar and an assortment of bands. The evening will (of course) culminate with the burning of a spectacular `Wicker Man` at sunset.


Adult £20

Child (3-16) £15

Under 3 free

opening time 16.30 -22.00hr.


Sunday, the 28th May  Easter 4  (Western Rite Orthodoxy. ROCOR)

St Mary the Virgin,  Isleworth, Middlesex

Service starts  11.00hrs

for more information  Tel 07894 917212  Fr Thomas.  Internet  fr.thomascook@gmail

Sunday  25th June  Pentecost  (Western Rite Orthodox  ROCOR)

St Mary the Virgin,  Isleworth, Middlesex.

Service starts  11.00hrs

for more information.  Tel 07894 917212  Fr Thomas.  Internet   fr.thomascook@gmail.com



Sunday  the  23rdJuly   Pentecost 5  (Western Rite Orthodox  ROCOR)

St Mary the Virgin, Isleworth, Middlesex.

Service starts 11.00hrs

for more information.  Tel 07894 917212  Fr Thomas.  Internet   fr.thomascook@gmail.com


Sunday. the 20thAugust  Pentecost 9   (Western Rite Orthodox  ROCOR)

St Mary the Virgin, Isleworth, Middlesex.

Service starts 11.00hrs.

For more information  Tel 07894 917212     Internet   fr.thomascook@gmail.com

Sunday. 24th September  Pentecost 13    (Western Rite Orthodox  ROCOR)

St Mary the Virgin,  Isleworth,  Middlesex.

For more information.  Tel 07894 917212.  Fr Thomas.  internet.  fr.thomascook@gmail.com


Sunday. 28th October   Pentecost 17    (Western Rite Orthodox ROCOR)

St Mary the Virgin, Isleworth, Middlesex.

Service starts 11.00hrs.

For more information.  Tel 07894 917212  Fr Thomas      Internet.  fr.thomascook@gmail.com

Sunday, 27th October,2023 Remembrance of the passing of King Alfred `The Great`, nearest Sunday to the 26th the actual day of his passing

Winchester, Hampshire

0900 hrs prompt at Hyde Abbey Gardens, laying of flowers on the relayed tomb stones of –
King Alfred ‘The Great’- father/founder of England.
Queen Ethelswith – mother of England.
King Edward ‘The Elder’- son of the above

Then across to the statue of King Alfred in the centre of Winchester to lay flowers.

There is a car-park next to the Abbey gardens, it is the car-park for the leisure centre.

contact number 01843 447536 for further information.

This is a silent and dignified tribute in remembrance of an important part of our Englisc heritage.

The Two Fatherlands

I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above,

entire and whole and perfect, the service of my love:

the love that asks no question, the love that stands the test,

that lays upon the altar the dearest and the best;the love that never falters, the love that pays the price,

the love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice.

And there’s another country, I’ve heard of long ago,

most dear to them that love her, most great to them that know;

we may not count her armies, we may not see her King;

her fortress is a faithful heart, her pride is suffering;

and soul by soul and silently her shining bounds increase,

and her ways are ways of gentleness and all her paths are peace.

Cecil Spring-Rice (1859-1918)

Sunday. 26th November.  Pentecost 22 St Simon 7 Jude.   (Western Rite Orthodox ROCOR)

St Mary the Virgin, Isleworth, Middlesex.

Service starts  11.00hrs

For more information.  Tel 07894 917212  Fr Thomas    Internet   fr.thomascook@gmail.com

Sunday. 19th December.  Advent 2.  (Western Rite Orthodox ROCOR)

St Mary the Virgin, Isleworth, Middlesex.

Service starts 11.00hrs.

For more information.  Tel 07894 917212  Fr Thomas.  internet.  fr.thomascokk@gmail.com


For information on train and bus services :-  https://www.thetrainline.com/