? September (Sunday) `Holy Cross Day`, Waltham Abbey
A medieval event for the town to celebrate the bringing of the miraculous Holy Cross to Waltham Abbey in 1035 by Tovi `The Proud`, standard bearer of King Cnut.
17.45 hrs
A procession of pilgrims, re-enacting the bringing of the Cross from Montacute in Somerset, will leave the Town Lock and make its way to the Abbey Church, accompanied by a Quarter Peal rung on the Abbey bells.
Medieval costume desirable but not essential.
1830 hrs
Choral Evensong in the Abbey Church, followed by a short informal act of worship in the Cloisters.
The celebrations will conclude with cheese and wine in the church.
Procession will be under the control of marshals but participants walk at their own risk.
Saturday, 13th October 2024 `King Harold day` at Waltham Abbey, Essex
Once again there will be no festival for King Harold’s Day, instead like last year there will be a celebration at the King Harold Stone at 11.00hrs.
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