ON 26TH May, 1624,. after Captain Christopher Jones had sailed the 180-ton Mayflower back to England, the owners made the following inventory of her value:
The appraisement or valuation of the shippe the Mayflower of London, and her tackles and furniture, taken and made by the aucthoritye of His Majesty’s Courte of Admiralty the 26th day of May 1624, at the instance of Roberte Childe, John Moore and Jones the relicte of Christopher. Jones deceased owners of three fowerth parts of the said shippe, by us William Craford, and Fraunces Birkes of Redrffe marriners, Robert Clay and Christopher Malym of the same Shippwrights as followeth:
Imprimis wee the said appraisers having viewed and seene the hull, maste, yards, boate, winles and capstin af and belonginge to the said shipp doe estimate the same at £50
Item five anckers weighing about 25 cwt, wee value at £25
Item one suite of sailes more than half worne, we estimate at £15
Items 3 cables, 2 hawsers, the shrowdes and stayes with all the other rigging more than half wrne at £35
Item 8 muskitte, 6 bandoleers, and pikes at £50
Item the pitch pott and kettle £2 10s.
Item ten shovelles
Summa totalis £128. 8s. 4d.
In witness whereof wee the said appraisers have her unto put the handes Fraunces Birks Wm. Craiford Robert Claye Christopher Malim 122
(Public Record Office, London).