The Glorious Revolution of 1688


  1. Portraits of Two Princes
  2. The Last Years of Charles II: (i) 1678-81
  3. The Last Years of Charles II: (ii) 1681-85
  4. Europe in 1685
  5. The Conduct of King James II: 1685-87
  6. The Conduct of Prince William of Orange: 1685-87
  7. Towards the Revolution: 1687
  8. Political Theory and the Revolution
  9. The Invitation
  10. Final Preparations
  11. The Invasion (i)
  12. The Invasion (ii)
  13. The Revolution
  14. The Consequences
  15. Summary and Conclusion


  1. King James II’s Declaration for Liberty of Conscience ’99
  2. The Petition of the Seven Bishops
  3. The Letter of Invitation from the Immortal Seven
  4. Prince William of Orange’s Declaration
  5. King James II’s Proclamation
  6. The Declaration of Rights