BATTLE OF HASTINGS/SENLAC RIDGE – week-end 12th – 13th October 2024. Battle Abbey, Battle, East Sussex.
This week-end is to commemorate the Battle of Hastings / Senlac, the conquest/Crusade of England where on the 14th October 1066, King Harold of England, who would become the last crowned Orthodox king of the Englisc, with his defeat and butchery of his body by the Duke of Normandy `himself a vassal of the king of France plus his entourage and mercenaries.` hence why today Normandy is back where it belongs in France, except for the Channel Islands!
A remembrance tribute is held at the Harold stone, time is not available at present, usually on Saturday at 11.00hrs.
Battle Abbey, Battle, East Sussex
tel- 01424-775705 for more information
Abbey opens at 1000hrs closes 1600hrs. during winter season.
entrance fee 2023
Adult £12.30p
Child 5 – 17 yrs 7.40p
Concessions £11.10p
English heritage members free
Family ticket 2 adults up to 3 children £32.00p
Car-parks near the Abbey and in town (charged)
Warning if the Abbey car-park is full you will be charged to get out of it, so make sure it is not full before entering.
Trains Charing Cross and Hasting line.
Battle info centre tel-01424-776789
opening April-Sept 1000hrs – 1800hrs
Oct-March 1000hrs – 1600hrs
Battle, East Sussex,
Starts at 1930hrs, fire parade down the high street, which is closed. after which a firework display at the green by Battle Abbey.
This commemorates Guy Falkes and his execution after being caught trying to blow up parliament, but also is a very old festival of the beginning of winter, which the Anglo-Saxons celebrated being a pagan celebration.
There is no entrance fee, but buying a pamphlet goes towards money raised for charities.
For information on train and bus timetables :-